Harpers Ferry: "The Psychological Halfway Point"

5/11 Day 69 Campsite to Harpers Ferry, WV - 4.1 miles

     Harpers Ferry is what is known to thru hikers as the psychological halfway point. It's not the actual halfway as far as miles traveled but it is close enough. The ATC (Appalachian Trail Conservancy) headquarters is located in Harpers Ferry and this is where hikers have their picture taken and are numbered on arrival giving an idea of how many hikers have already come through. We were super excited to reach this milestone so we woke up early. We wanted to be there when the office opened and we wanted to get there before the rain started again. The hike in was really nothing significant. We were there about an hour before it opened but it was all good because Nomad met us there with breakfast that he had cooked in the Walmart parking lot. After eating we headed in to get our picture taken. We were northbound thru hikers 60 and 61. Last year on this day there were more than 90 who had already signed in. 
     The ATC headquarters is a nice place to hang out. They have a hiker lounge that we took advantage of and browsed the photo book finally getting to see what many of the hikers ahead of us look like. Soon the aquablazers started to show up. It was an awesome reunion. We all hung out for quite some time and then just before taking a group shot Manchild showed up. After catching up a bit we took a walk through town. It seemed to be more touristy and not as much of a hiker town as expected. I'm almost certain there are more ice cream shops per capita in Harpers Ferry than any place else in the world. Dirty Mike and Coups told us there was a Chick-fil-a nearby so Nomad drove us and Ayce there for lunch. The rain started again and didn't stop the rest of the day. 
     After assessing our lodging options we ended up at the Econolodge as there were really no reasonable lodging options. I really had higher expectations for this town. It was cool though, most of our friends ended up staying here. It was really fun to be back together but sad to know we would again be splitting up. Some had planned to visit Washington, D.C. or had made other travel arrangements but we would again hike out with Ayce in the morning. For dinner, we all piled in the Vanimal like the old times and went to a Mexican restaurant. After dinner it was a resupply and then back to the hotel for the evening. It wasn't really the day we expected but it worked. 

5/12 Day 70 Harpers Ferry to Dahlgreen Backpacker Campground - 17.2 miles

     We didn't really have plans for the day. As usual for leaving town, we were torn between hanging out and hiking less miles or trying to eat on trail somewhat early and get in a full day. Nomad left to go meet a friend that he would be hiking with for a week but we decided that we should at least hang out at the hotel for a while. Before we left we talked to Passover and Manchild who were both planning on hiking but had to take care of some things first. We learned the others had left without saying goodbye but we thought maybe we could catch them at the ATC. We found Laser Death Kill, Longspoon, and Witchdoctor and walked with them to the trail where we shared a big group hug. They were off to catch the train to D.C. and we were heading north again with Ayce.
     As we left town we entered Maryland and walked for what seemed like several miles on the old C&O towpath before finally entering the woods and climbing. There were many day hikers out today. The hiking was pretty easy after the initial climb. We came to a nice campsite that had a bathroom with flush toilets and showers and decided to call it quits for the night. Ayce was scheming and talked us into trying for 28 miles tomorrow. We'll see what happens. I didn't experience any Virginia blues but I felt like maybe I was experiencing the post Virginia blues today. For so long we had Harpers Ferry as a goal and now I don't feel like I have any goal nearer than Katahdin.

5/13 Day 71 Dahlgreen Campsite to Deer Lick Shelters - 28.4 miles

     We did it. Our longest day yet and it wasn't too bad. It was a a pretty cold night last night so we were ready to get moving this morning. Just as we were getting ready to leave, Passover caught us. She had slept just a couple miles south of us. She took advantage of the electrical outlets to charge her phone and we hiked on. We hiked to the original Washington monument this morning. It was a nice stone tower we were able to climb and enjoy some nice views.
     We enjoyed the easy terrain of Maryland today. In the afternoon we took a break at PenMar park and enjoyed a nice cold beverage from the vending machine before continuing. Before we knew it, we arrived at the Mason-Dixon Line where we left Maryland and the South and entered Pennsylvania and the North. It's important to note that in this location the trail changes from the "Appalatchin Trail" to the "Appalayshun Trail." 
     We ended our long day at the shelter where we found Giuseppe, Blue Moon, Dirty Mike, Coups, and Larryboy. It's cold already and expected to dip into the 30s tonight. We may regret switching to our 45 degree bags. 

5/14 Deer Lick Shelters to Birch Run Shelter - 23.2 miles

     Last night was very cold. I felt colder last night than I did during our coldest nights in March. I wonder if it will ever warm up. Easy hiking at first this morning. Took a short break at Tumbling Run Shelters. The pluralization of shelter is no typo, for some reason it seems they build two identical shelters side by side in Pennsylvania.
     Next was a steep climb and some ridge walking before arriving at Quarry Gap Shelters which were very well maintained by "The Innkeeper." It was here that we learned the store at Pine Grove Furnace State Park would be closed tomorrow. This is where thru hikers celebrate reaching the halfway point by partaking in the half gallon ice cream challenge. We were bummed we wouldn't be able to take part in this AT tradition but Blue Moon was on top of things and began making phone calls to try and pull some strings for us. 
     From there it was on to Birch Run Shelter for the night. It was only Dirty Mike and three sectioners here when Ayce and I arrived but the shelter quickly filled due to the threat of rain. 

Thanks for reading,

This entry was posted on Wednesday, June 12, 2013. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response.

One Response to “Harpers Ferry: "The Psychological Halfway Point"”

  1. Glad we made it to Harper's Ferry. Did you know part of the movie God's and Generals was filmed there. Loved it, be safe. Katydhin here we come, even if I didn't spell it right. lol.............
